
An AI user research tool that provides user testing insights by simulating eye-tracking studies

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VisualEyes is an AI research tool that simulates eye-tracking studies and preference tests with a 93% accurate predictive technology.

VisualEyes: User Testing with AI Eye-tracking Technology

VisualEyes is an innovative platform that simulates eye-tracking studies and preference tests with a 93% accurate predictive technology. This AI-driven solution enables UX designers, product managers, digital marketers, freelancers, digital agencies, and enterprises to gain valuable insights into their designs and make data-driven decisions. In this article, we will explore the features, use cases, pricing, strengths, and potential drawbacks of VisualEyes, and how it stands out in the competitive landscape.

What is VisualEyes and how does it work?

VisualEyes is a powerful AI-based tool that provides user testing insights by simulating eye-tracking studies and preference tests. It uses intelligent algorithms to predict user behavior patterns based on extensive data sets from large-scale studies, enabling businesses to optimize their designs, improve user experience, and make data-driven decisions.

The platform is available as a web app and also offers plugins for popular design tools, allowing users to upload their designs and receive in-depth insights within seconds. VisualEyes is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that makes it easy for both experts and novices to navigate and use.

Features of VisualEyes

  1. Attention Map: Generates attention maps, which are the perfect replacement for traditional five-second tests and eye-tracking studies. These maps show areas of interest in your design, helping you understand what users are likely to focus on.
  2. Clarity Score: This metric provides a preference score for your designs, replacing time-consuming preference tests. The Clarity Score helps you determine which design elements are more effective and appealing to users.
  3. Areas of Interest: VisualEyes identifies specific areas in your design that are likely to capture user attention, enabling you to optimize your layout and make data-driven decisions.
  4. Plugins: VisualEyes offers plugins for popular design tools, allowing you to generate user insights with just one click without leaving your design environment.

Use Cases of VisualEyes

  1. Test new products and designs
  2. A/B test different design variations
  3. Conduct rapid preference tests
  4. Validate design assumptions
  5. Understand what users focus on
  6. Reduce clutter and improve design clarity


Currently offers transparent pricing that allows you to run unlimited screen tests starting from the flat fee of $17 per month.

Strengths of VisualEyes

  1. Fast and efficient: Compresses days of user testing and research into a single click, providing rapid insights for design optimization.
  2. AI-powered: The platform uses advanced AI algorithms to predict user behavior patterns and generate accurate eye-tracking studies.
  3. Versatile: Suitable for a wide range of users, from UX designers and product managers to digital marketers and agencies.
  4. Trusted by top brands: Over 8,000 professionals and companies, including Airbnb, Spotify, and Microsoft, rely on VisualEyes for design insights.

Potential Drawbacks

  1. Limited customization: This AI tool may not offer extensive customization options for its predictive algorithms and testing parameters.
  2. Integration with Neurons: The recent acquisition by Neurons could lead to potential changes in the platform’s features and pricing.


VisualEyes is an exceptional AI-driven solution for user testing insights, offering a powerful alternative to traditional eye-tracking studies and preference tests. By providing rapid, accurate predictions of user behavior patterns, VisualEyes enables businesses to optimize their designs, enhance user experience, and make informed decisions.


Plans start at $17/mo

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